The Marketing Chair's role is to support the communication of CWAN with members and the greater alumni community. The Marketing Chair is responsible for CWAN's website...
The Social Chair’s role is to create events and opportunities for CWAN members to connect with one another and strengthen the CWAN community. The Social Chair can supp...
The Philanthropy Chair’s role is to create and lead opportunities for CWAN members to give back to their community. The Chairperson will seek out new and continuing or...
The Student Engagement Chair’s role is facilitating communication with current Cornell undergraduate and graduate students. They will act as the main point of contact ...
The Finance Chair is responsible for drafting CWAN’s annual budget and for managing the budget over the course of the fiscal year. The Finance Chair will work closely ...
The Programming Co-Chairs will facilitate the program planning for CWAN. They will be the points of contact for new event ideas and ongoing event planning. The Co-Chai...
The Secretary's role is facilitating communication among officers and scheduling and arranging logistics for meetings with the Board. The secretary takes minutes of me...
The Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the event of the Chair’s absence or inability to act. This position also serves as a member of the executive co...
The central purpose of the CWAN Chair is to work with the other members of the club’s Board to ensure CWAN is responding to the interests of this affinity group within...