The Infrastructure committee maintains the CUAIFC portfolio advising the CUAIFC Board regarding facilities, maintenance, and standard of living in
the Chapter Houses ...
The Oversight committee maintains the CUAIFC portfolio conducting alumni oversight of the University and is focused instilling transparency and accountability in Day H...
The Ways and Means committee maintains the CUAIFC portfolio focused on the substructure necessary to maintain the Cornell fraternity system, such as insurance policy.
The Alumni Interfraternity Council (AIFC) VP assists the President in support of the mission of individual chapters and the Cornell fraternity system through the devel...
The Alumni Interfraternity Council (AIFC) supports the mission of individual chapters and the Cornell fraternity system through the development and promotion of chapte...
The Nominations committee maintains the CUAIFC portfolio focused on succession planning for the Board of Directors, CUAIFC committees, and other volunteer development ...
The Communications committee maintains the CUAIFC portfolio focused keeping the officers, committees, and member representatives communicating, as well as projecting o...
The Strategic Planning committee maintains the CUAIFC portfolio focused on the steps necessary to take the Cornell fraternity system to the 5-year mark.