Vice Chair, Big Red Bands Alumni Association

Posted by Big Red Bands Alumni Association on 09/02/2015

General Information

Process for Filling Position: Direct appointment by staff or administration
Number of Seats: 1
Location: Non-geographically based
Eligible Constituent(s): Alumni, Parents, Friends

Summary of Position

Vice Chair shall: (a) Assume duties pursuant to Article V, Section 2 of the Bylaws in the absence of the Chair; (b) Serve as a member of all Committees formed pursuant to Article IV, Section I; and (c) Ensure the orderly and expeditious conduct of all BRBAA activities by coordinating the scheduling of all BRBAA events and ensuring full cooperation and coordination among the appropriate officers or chairs in all BRBAA activities.

Cornell Interests:


Athletics and Physical Education

Talent Expectations: Skills

Responsible Contact

Contact Name:
Lauren Graham Garcia

Time Commitment

Average Time Commitment: 1-2 hrs/month
Duration: Not Applicable
Term of Office: 2 years
Number of terms in Office: Not Applicable


Hiatus Required? No hiatus required
Dues Required? No


Meeting Attendance Required? Yes

Meeting Location(s):
On Campus: Yes
Off Campus: Yes
Off Campus Location: TBD
Conference Call: Yes
Meetings per year: 2x year

Yearly Philanthropic Expectation:

Make a gift to Cornell at a level of individual comfort

Alumni Trustee Election

Vote in the annual trustee election