Class of 2007 Officers

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Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities

  • Class of 2007 Officers
    Description: The principal responsibility of the class council is to coordinate regional class activities and maintain class enthusiasm during non-Reunion years. Because classmates...
  • Class of 2007 Officers
    Description: The Engagement Chair(s) work closely with other members of the Class Council, Cornell University Alumni Affairs, and class volunteers to increase engagement, participa...
  • Class of 2007 Officers
    Description: The Immediate Past President provides historical context and perspective to the Class Officer Board, participates in Board activities, sits on the Executive Committee,...
  • Class of 2007 Officers
    Description: The nominations chair will execute the nomination process for the upcoming five-year cycle. The chair should be knowledgeable about the class and its history; be unbia...
  • Class of 2007 Officers
    Description: The principal responsibility of the Reunion chair is to plan and execute the class Reunion in Ithaca every five years. Reunion chairs must adhere to deadlines; work cl...
  • Class of 2007 Officers
    Description: The class president provides overall leadership, initiates class activities, oversees Reunion plans, and develops class strategies. The president meets regularly with...
  • Class of 2007 Officers
    Description: While the president is responsible for overall leadership and coordination, the treasurer is typically the most called upon officer for financial and strategic plannin...
  • Class of 2007 Officers
    Description: The principal responsibility of the class ambassadors is to coordinate regional class activities and maintain class enthusiasm during non-Reunion years. Because classm...
  • Class of 2007 Officers
    Description: The Communications Chair(s) are responsible for overseeing all external communications of the class, managing social media strategy and execution, and delivering class...
  • Class of 2007 Officers
    Description: The Cornell Annual Fund representative, in partnership with the Cornell Annual Fund staff, provides leadership between Reunion campaigns by encouraging all classmates ...
  • Class of 2007 Officers
    Description: Class Correspondents are responsible for writing the class column for Class Notes.
  • Class of 2007 Officers
    Description: The secretary's role is facilitating communication among officers and maintaining a formal structure for the group. The secretary takes minutes of meetings and distri...
  • Class of 2007 Officers
    Description: The primary responsibility of the vice president is to shadow the president so that he/she can assume the president’s responsibilities should the president become ab...

There are no Done-in-a-Day Volunteer Opportunities available at this time.
