Responsible Contact
Contact Name:
Magdalena Bartishevich
Time Commitment
Average Time Commitment:
5-7 hrs/month
Not Applicable
Term of Office:
1 year
Number of terms in Office:
Not Applicable
Current or recent volunteer experience with the college or volunteer organization the member is representing on CATN. The chair of the Committee on Board Composition and Governance and the chair of the Board of Trustees decide who is appointed to represent the Board of Trustees on CATN each year at the May meeting.
Hiatus Required?
No hiatus required
Dues Required?
Meeting Attendance Required?
Meeting Location(s):
On Campus:
Off Campus:
Off Campus Location:
The committee meets in-person three times each year and may have one or two additional “virtual” meetings via conference call or webinar. In-person attendance is strongly encouraged but sometimes work or personal commitments may keep a person from attending; therefore, telephone participation is allowed for one meeting only. With participation in two of the meetings essential to the continuity of the committee's deliberations, participation at one of the first two meetings is mandatory for voting privileges at the third meeting when candidates are selected.
Conference Call:
Meetings per year:
4x year
Additional Attendance Requirements:
One orientation webinar is required for all new members; All members are strongly encouraged to attend annual Cornell Alumni Leadership Conference (CALC).
Yearly Philanthropic Expectation:
Make a gift to Cornell at a level of individual comfort
Alumni Trustee Election
Vote in the annual trustee election