Affinity Outreach Chair, Cornell Club of Mid-Hudson
Posted by Cornell Mid-Hudson Alumni Association on 09/20/2013
General Information
Process for Filling Position:
Open (Volunteers self-identify)
Number of Seats:
Poughkeepsie, New York 75770, United States
Eligible Constituent(s):
Alumni, Parents, Friends
Summary of Position
The club affinity outreach chair is part of the team who provide leadership and guidance to the board and the local Cornell community. In addition, the affinity outreach chair is asked to create, along with a committee, an outreach plan for the club to identify events and activities to better engage the diverse local Cornell community through the common bond of location, class, student activities and college/degree base. The outreach chair shall also welcome new alumni to the area as indicated by the new to the area lists.
Cornell Interests:
Regional Clubs
Talent Expectations: Skills
Speak to Groups
It is important that the affinity outreach chair is able to speak in board meetings and share thoughts and ideas with the board. Although public speaking is not mandatory, it is helpful to have a comfort level in speaking to their constituents. The ability to share a clear message of welcome and inclusion is important in both speaking and communicating via email.
Lead a Group
Club affinity outreach chairs should effectively communicate in board meetings, organize meetings with their committee and share clear ideas for events and activities and thoughts on different approaches to engaging their local community along with fully integrating their ideas in the life of the club.
Build/Maintain Relationships
Engage Individuals
Club affinity outreach chairs should actively participate in succession planning and board opportunity discussions within their community. Meeting alumni and speaking with them about opportunities to engage the local Cornell community are vital to the growth of the club.