Scholarship Chair, Cornell Club of Washington, DC (CCW)

Posted by Cornell Club of Washington, DC (CCW) on 08/06/2019

General Information

Nomination start - 01/01/2023
Nomination end - 05/01/2023
Process for Filling Position: Submission of a nomination
Number of Seats: 1
Location: Washington, District of Columbia 20037, USA
Eligible Constituent(s): Alumni

Summary of Position

The scholarship chair works with the office of alumni affairs and the Cornell Club of Washington DC to run the three annual scholarship competitions, manage the scholarship selection committee, and maintain an understanding of the financial status of the endowed scholarships.

Cornell Interests:


Regional Clubs

Talent Expectations: Skills


Write and/or Edit
Speak to Groups
The scholarship chair is responsible for overseeing the scholarship program.


Serve on a Committee or Board
Scholarship chairs are expected to attend and participate in board meetings for the Cornell Club Washington DC.

Build/Maintain Relationships

Represent Cornell
Scholarship chairs represent Cornell as the head of the scholarship fund.

Responsible Contact

Contact Name:
Arienne Watson

Time Commitment

Average Time Commitment: 3-5 hrs/month
Duration: Not Applicable
Term of Office: 1 year
Number of terms in Office: Not Applicable


Hiatus Required? No hiatus required
Dues Required? No


Meeting Attendance Required? Yes

Meeting Location(s):
On Campus: No
Off Campus: Yes
Off Campus Location: Cornell in Washington, 2148 O St NW, Washington, DC 20037
Conference Call: Yes
Meetings per year: Monthly

Additional Attendance Requirements: Scholarship chairs are invited to attend CALC and are encouraged to attend any other additional training opportunities available to them.

Yearly Philanthropic Expectation:

Make a gift to Cornell at a level of individual comfort

Alumni Trustee Election

Vote in the annual trustee election