Cornell University Council (CUC)

About Us

Cornell Interest Area


Who we are

Cornell University Council helps ensure that the voices of alumni, parents, and friends play a meaningful role in Cornell's strategic direction. Council members are the first group of alumni the university turns to for needs like these:

* Responding to initiatives and program needs of faculty and administrators
* Serving as a leader in alumni organizations and financial support
* Serving as a Cornell ambassador and spokesperson in alumni and community groups
* Hosting events
* Fundraising
* Serving on task forces dedicated to specific issues
* Serving on non-council committees and advisory groups
* Lobbying the federal or state government

The council includes more than 450 elected members and over 270 life members. Trustees, trustees emeriti, and presidential councillors also serve as council members. Total membership is more than 900 alumni, parents, and friends.



This is a "Virtual" Community

Contact Info

Contact Name: Tina Gourley
Position Title: Senior Director, Volunteer Programs
Phone: 607-255-7090


That has 883 Members