Human Ecology Dean's Advisory Council

About Us

Cornell Interest Area

College of Human Ecology

Who we are

The Dean's Advisory Council (DAC) for the College of Human Ecology at Cornell serves as an outside advisory group to the dean of the college. The principal purpose of the Advisory Council is to support the College through advice and advocacy.

Members shall provide counsel and advice concerning programs in teaching, research and extension for the College of Human Ecology. The council will represent the variety of constituencies and stakeholders with whom the college, through its programs, should interact. Those constituencies and stakeholders include current and future students, alumni, parents of students, lawmakers, other educational institutions and the broader interests of scholarship and research serving the state of New York, the nation and the world. As informed insiders, members of the counsel serve as ambassadors to inform, inspire and involve stakeholders in pursuit of the College’s vision, programmatic and philanthropic goals.

The Advisory Council provides input on strategic issues the college faces, and functions as a two-way communication channel offering counsel on those topics that the Dean offers up to the group, and bringing concerns from stakeholders to the attention of the Dean. The group’s input helps to inform the Dean and associate deans as they make decisions regarding the administrative affairs of the college. The Advisory Council serves as a resource for the various departmental and programmatic advisory groups throughout the College as well.



This is a "Virtual" Community

Contact Info

Contact Name: Caitlin Collins
Position Title: Director of Alumni Engagement
Phone: 607-255-1850


That has 22 Members