The principal responsibility of the Reunion chair is to plan and execute the class Reunion in Ithaca every five years. Reunion chairs must adhere to deadlines; work cl...
The secretary's role is facilitating communication among officers and maintaining a formal structure for the group. The secretary takes minutes of meetings and distri...
The Reunion registration chair is responsible for working in the registration system to enter registration forms received by mail at the designated bank and to communi...
The nominations chair will execute the nomination process for the upcoming five-year cycle. The chair should be knowledgeable about the class and its history; be unbia...
The primary responsibility of the vice president is to shadow the president so that he/she can assume the president's responsibilities should the president become abse...
While the president is responsible for overall leadership and coordination, the treasurer is typically the most called upon officer for financial and strategic plannin...
The principal responsibility of the class council is to coordinate regional class activities and maintain class enthusiasm during non-Reunion years. Because classmates...
The class president provides overall leadership, initiates class activities, oversees Reunion plans, and develops class strategies. The president meets regularly with...
The principle responsibility of the website community manager is to create, maintain and monitor all class websites and social media sites. This person works with othe...
The Affinity Chair plays an integral role in coordinating the class effort in year 4 and 5 of the class life cycle to increase alumni engagement with the university. T...
The Cornell Annual Fund representative, in partnership with the Cornell Annual Fund staff, provides leadership between Reunion campaigns by encouraging all classmates ...