Veterinary Medicine (VET) Advisory Council

About Us

Cornell Interest Area

College of Veterinary Medicine

Who we are

Veterinary Medicine (VET) Advisory Council Vision and Mission

Today, veterinary medicine is poised to help the world respond to some of its most pressing challenges. The college’s vision is to lead, enable, and inspire others to attain a healthier world for animals and people. We are dedicated to the creation, dissemination, and implementation of scientific knowledge to improve the health and well-being of animals and people. As a New York land-grant college, we achieve regional and global impact through education, discovery and care.

Purpose and Values
The Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine Advisory Council serves as an advisory group to the Dean of the College to help fulfill and implement the college’s mission and strategic objectives while striving to provide members with gratifying opportunities to engage with and impact the college, and by extension, Cornell University as a whole. The council shares the college’s values of commitment to veterinary medicine and education, equity and diversity, collaboration and two-way communication, innovation, intellectual curiosity, and an expectation of excellence.

At-large Membership
At-large members are alumni and friends who offer professional expertise and meaningful guidance, leverage personal and/or professional networks, and commit to supporting the college philanthropically at a level commensurate with each members’ means. At-large members may serve up to three, two- year terms, for a maximum of six consecutive years. Members serving the maximum number of terms will become eligible for reappointment to the council following a one-year hiatus. In special circumstances, the hiatus and maximum number of terms may be waived upon mutual agreement between the dean and the member. A member holding a leadership position on the council may be eligible for an extension of his or her term on a year-to-year basis in order to fulfill leadership responsibilities or at the request of the dean.

Member Expectations
1. Attend council meetings and other college events when possible.
2. Offer professional expertise, guidance and feedback on issues identified by the dean and
other college leadership.
3. Leverage personal and/or professional networks to promote the college and broaden its base
of support.
4. Make a financial gift annually at a level commensurate with members’ means. Council members are asked to consider annual contributions at $5,000 or one of the following giving
society levels: Dean’s Circle ($10,000); President’s Circle ($25,000); Founder’s Circle
($50,000), or Ezra Cornell Circle ($100,000).
5. Identify and nominate candidates for consideration for Advisory Council or other Cornell volunteer service, assist in the identification and cultivation of prospective
donors, and/or advocate on behalf of the college for support.
6. Serve as an advocate for the college and related professions within the university and
in external communities.
7. Assist the college in meeting its strategic goals, as appropriate.
8. Participate in committee activities where appropriate and when possible.


This is a "Virtual" Community

Contact Info

Contact Name: Luanne Prosperi Stefanucci
Position Title: Associate Director, Engagement & Volunteer Management


That has 6 Members