The Committee will provide strategic leadership on the development of a diverse & sustainable volunteer pipeline for College of Veterinary Medicine volunteers by:
The PCCW Liaison to the College of Veterinary Medicine Advisory Council will:
Advise on nominations, recruitment, onboarding, and mentoring of college volunteers.
The University Council liaison will:
Advise on nominations, recruitment, onboarding, and mentoring of college volunteers.
Offer professional expertise, guidance...
The Diversity Alumni Programs liaison to the College of Veterinary Medicine Advisory Council will:
Collaborate with AAD staff to advise on nominations of diverse Co...
The College of Veterinary Medicine Advisory Council serves as an advisory group to the Dean of the College to help fulfill and implement the College’s mission and stra...
The vice chair of the College Advisory Council will be selected by the dean in consultation with the chair and normally serve for three years. The dean, chair and vice...
The chair of the College Advisory Council will be selected by the dean and normally serve for three years; appointments may be extended on a year-to-year basis upon mu...