PCCW Liaison the Veterinary College Advisory Council (Vet AC)

Posted by Veterinary Medicine (VET) Advisory Council on 01/14/2021

General Information

Nomination start - 01/01/2025
Nomination end - 03/15/2025
Process for Filling Position: Open (Volunteers self-identify)
Number of Seats: 1
Location: Non-geographically based
Eligible Constituent(s): Alumni, Parents, Friends

Summary of Position

The PCCW Liaison to the College of Veterinary Medicine Advisory Council will: Advise on nominations, recruitment, onboarding, and mentoring of college volunteers. Act as knowledgeable advocates & assist in educating PCCW peers about the college. Recommend candidates for consideration for Advisory Council, assist in the identification and cultivation of prospective donors, and/or advocate on behalf of the College for support. Facilitate connections between College and PCCW members and programs. Serve on the Membership & Volunteer Engagement Committee & join other committees or working groups when possible. Please note that submission of a nomination does not guarantee appointment to this position.

Cornell Interests:


College of Veterinary Medicine

Talent Expectations: Skills


Speak to Groups
Represent PCCW's perspective to the Veterinary Medicine Advisory Council by sharing information about volunteer opportunities, initiatives, or programs, including mentoring and onboarding; speak with Cornellians about opportunities to engage with the college.


Lead a Group
Manage Projects
Serve on a Committee or Board
The liaison will be an active or recent past member of PCCW, and may be asked to participate or advise on Veterinary Medicine Advisory Council initiatives, programs, committees, task forces, or working groups. Serve on the Membership & Volunteer Engagement Committee to advise on nominations. Leadership and project management skills will facilitate group acceptance & willingness to support new ideas and initiatives.

Build/Maintain Relationships

Engage Individuals
Represent Cornell
Identify and recommend candidates or submit nominations for volunteer opportunities at the College of Veterinary Medicine. Advise on viability of Veterinary College candidates to high-level University groups like PCCW. Provide strategic input particularly on engagement initiatives, particularly nominations/onboarding and mentoring.

Responsible Contact

Contact Name:
Luanne Prosperi Stefanucci
Volunteer Position Title:
Associate Director, Engagement & Volunteer Management

Time Commitment

Average Time Commitment: 1-2 hrs/month
Duration: Not Applicable
Term of Office: 2 years
Number of terms in Office: 3 terms


Prerequisites Active or recent past membership on PCCW. Experience or interest in fields related to animal, human and planetary health including sustainability, conservation, food security, shelter medicine,... or background in areas such as corporate and/or non-profit leadership, higher education; marketing, communications and media; entrepreneurship; law; government; pet care, etc. Interest in helping the College to diversify its volunteer base and broaden awareness of the College and programs among PCCW members. Willingness to learn about the College of Veterinary Medicine.

Hiatus Required? No hiatus required
Dues Required? No


Meeting Attendance Required? Yes

Meeting Location(s):
On Campus: Yes
Off Campus: No
Conference Call: Yes
Meetings per year: 1x year

Other Meeting Details: The Advisory Council meets once per year, usually in fall, in Ithaca. In person attendance is encouraged; meetings are hybrid and recorded. Related working groups or committees also meet, typically every other month.

Additional Attendance Requirements: Members serving on working groups or committees are required to attend at least 50% of applicable meetings. Serve on the Membership & Volunteer Engagement Committee.

Yearly Philanthropic Expectation:

Make a gift to Cornell at a level of individual comfort

Alumni Trustee Election

Vote in the annual trustee election