The membership chair manages and works on efforts to encourage membership in the Berkshires. Additionally, the chair plays a critical role in strengthening the Cornell...
The Director at Large positions will serve as members of the club and act as informed ambassadors of the Cornell Club of the Berkshires. They will mentor and recruit o...
The club secretary is part of the team who provides leadership and guidance to the board and the local Cornell
community. In addition, the secretary takes minutes fro...
The club affinity outreach chair is part of the team who provide leadership and guidance to the board and the local Cornell community. In addition, the affinity outrea...
The club programming chair is part of the team who provide leadership and guidance to the board and the local Cornell community. In addition, the programming chair is ...
The club treasurer is part of the team who provide leadership and guidance to the board and the local Cornell community. In addition, the treasurer is responsible for ...
The Vice President for Communications is part of the team who provides leadership and guidance to the board and the local Cornell community. In addition, the communica...
The club vice president assists in providing leadership and guidance to the board and the local Cornell community, fully supports club programming and activities, and ...
The club president provides overall leadership and guidance to the board and the local Cornell community, supports club programming and activities, and develops strate...